
+27 (0)21 858 1088

Mon – Sun: 09:30 to 16:30
Thurs & Friday: 09:30 to 21:00
Closed Christmas Day
Wine Tastings

+27 (0)21 858 1088

Mon – Sun: 10:00 to 16:30
Closed Christmas Day

GPS Coordinates: 34º 6’14.1″S, 18º 56’12.4″E
The easiest way to get to Idiom:
- Take the N2 highway from Cape Town past the airport. Follow the N2 through the traffic lights of Somerset West. After the Somerset West/Strand Bridge, look out for the BP Petrol Station.
- Turn left off N2 into Reunion Drive just after the BP petrol station and continue straight through the two circles at Somerset Lakes and proceed under the railway bridge.
- Turn right at the new traffic lights into Old Sir Lowry’s Pass Road. Travel past the entrance to Waterkloof and continue down the hill towards Sir Lowry’s Pass Village.
- Turn left into Knorhoek Road in the direction of Wedderwill & Knorhoek. Follow the brick paved private road for 2km’s (beware the invisible speed bumps) and at the end you will see the entrance to the Knorhoek Farm (est. 1795). Please sign the visitor’s book at the gate before you proceed past the Cape Dutch Homestead. Continue up the hill past the stables and fields where you may be fortunate enough to see zebras, springbok and other antelope on your left. Cross over the railway line and drive into the entrance of Idiom’s Da Capo Vineyards. Follow the new tar road all the way to the parking lot.